Why join Komplice?

We don't just call our team a family, we treat them like one. Together, we're redefining the world of Payroll and HRIS. Are you interested? Join us on the Komplice adventure!

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What we offer

A Team

Do you dream of being surrounded by a team of specialists who speak the same technical language as you? Colleagues who will support you during your assignments? At Komplice, telecommuting doesn't mean isolation, thanks to our practice communities, our frequent meetings and even our morning hellos on Teams! : )


It isn't true that we can put aside our personal issues when we arrive at work. That's why our organization listens to everyone's needs and offers the necessary support to thrive at work. 


At Komplice, personal and professional fulfillment is mission possible! Flexible working hours, 4-day weeks, choice of work mode (in-office, hybrid or remote) and "workation" are offered.


At Komplice, we work on a wide range of different and stimulating projects, integrating various payroll and HRIS systems, discovering new working processes and tools, and meeting unique clients and employees. Diversity enriches our daily work and helps us realize our full potential.

Professional growth

Our growing organization and our access to a range of tools and coaching enable our employees to take their careers to new horizons. We also value ongoing training and mentoring.


Competitive salary, insurance, group RRSP with employer participation, four weeks' vacation upon arrival, telemedicine and employee assistance programs, National PayrolI Institute membership, full working equipment, home office allowance... These are just some of the many benefits offered by Komplice. And let's not forget our social committee, which organizes activities to gather the troops!

A Team

Do you dream of being surrounded by a team of specialists who speak the same technical language as you? Colleagues who will support you during your assignments? At Komplice, telecommuting doesn't mean isolation, thanks to our practice communities, our frequent meetings and even our morning hellos on Teams! : )


It isn't true that we can put aside our personal issues when we arrive at work. That's why our organization listens to everyone's needs and offers the necessary support to thrive at work. 


At Komplice, personal and professional fulfillment is mission possible! Flexible working hours, 4-day weeks, choice of work mode (in-office, hybrid or remote) and "workation" are offered.


At Komplice, we work on a wide range of different and stimulating projects, integrating various payroll and HRIS systems, discovering new working processes and tools, and meeting unique clients and employees. Diversity enriches our daily work and helps us realize our full potential.

Professional growth

Our growing organization and our access to a range of tools and coaching enable our employees to take their careers to new horizons. We also value ongoing training and mentoring.


Competitive salary, insurance, group RRSP with employer participation, four weeks' vacation upon arrival, telemedicine and employee assistance programs, National PayrolI Institute membership, full working equipment, home office allowance... These are just some of the many benefits offered by Komplice. And let's not forget our social committee, which organizes activities to gather the troops!

Personal stories

Our colleagues speak out

Benoit, Carole and Marie-France share their experiences at Komplice. Find out how our organization enables them to flourish, each in their own way, according to their needs.

Carole's story
"I chose an employer who offers me freedom and social prosperity."

Choosing the right employer is a very important decision, and one that has an impact on our daily well-being. Among the factors that contribute to the Workplace Happiness Index (according to Institut Léger), self-fulfillment, relationships with colleagues, recognition and empowerment come out on top. These are all factors that HR departments need to keep in mind to attract and retain employees.

Carole Mari can testify to this in two ways! On one hand, with over 25 years' experience in human resources, she is committed to helping organizations and their employees find the best possible solutions to reconcile systems and talents. Six months ago, she decided to join Komplice to help organizations with their transformation.

She tells us what makes her so convinced that she has found her rightful place at Komplice.

A professional choice guided by work ethics and human freedom

After working as an independant consultant for many years, Carole's decision to join Komplice's team was a carefully considered one. And with good reason, the transition from self-employed to salaried status can sometimes generate fears not only about the organization you're about to join, but also about the freedom and flexibility you're afraid of giving up.

"For me, this was not the case," explains Carole. "I first chose to join Komplice when I met its two co-presidents, Jean-François and Sylvain. Both of them presented me with a vision and a model that convinced me and with which I totally agree : to become close to and partner with our clients, in order to make their Payroll and HRIS experience smoother and less stressful. This is totally in line with my values and my way of working, which favors healthy human relationships that promote satisfaction for all."

Carole has therefore chosen not only a work ethic with her clients, but also a way of collaborating internally in complete confidence and freedom. "When I joined Komplice, I was also seduced by the way we collaborate internally, based on trust. Not only does Komplice's management rely on the autonomy of its team by instituting 100% telecommuting, but I've also noticed that this trust between managers and employees is embodied on a daily basis. When Jean-François and Sylvain entrust us with a mandate, they assume that we are competent, that we make every decision for a good reason that has been previously weighed and reflected upon".

For Carole, this freedom to work with confidence gives her wings! "It gives me a strong sense of empowerment, which makes me even more motivated and committed to what I do. I work with the freedom to be myself."

Working with an organization that contributes to social prosperity

According to Carole, working for a company whose values you share, is a great guarantee of fulfillment. "It was also important for me to choose an employer with a positive social impact, and today I can say that this has been confirmed at Komplice. First of all, as the mother of three teenagers, I'm happy to be able to return to my family at the end of the day satisfied, and not upset or stressed as it can happen in professional life. This contributes to my overall well-being, and more broadly still, I'm happy to pass on to my children the image of a mother who is fulfilled in her work. It's an important message for the future talents they'll be!"

In addition, as Carole also runs meditation workshops with children, she asked her manager to continue volunteering twice a month. "This was warmly welcomed and when my priorities allow, I can therefore continue my volunteer commitment. I'm proud that my employer contributes to social prosperity on both a small and large scale! Even though we are still a medium-sized organization, we have the social responsibility policy of a large organization!".

Carole has decided to settle down at Komplice, as evidenced by the big "yes" she gave her managers on the day she was hired!


Alix Fieux, Flow


Marie-France's story
"At Komplice, I've been able to reconcile my fight against my illness with my professional fulfillment."

When illness strikes, everything can be turned upside down : daily life, family and social relationships, activities, and very often, careers. In the workplace, health is a sensitive subject : you may fear that your advancement will be slowed down, that you'll miss out on a position or promotion and that you won't be seen as a fully operational and high-performance employee.

And yet, illness during a working life can sometimes give rise to some wonderful stories. Such is the case of Marie-France Giroux, Payroll Consultant. When this talented professional was diagnosed with breast cancer, juggling her treatment and work obligations was initially difficult. "In my previous position, I could work up to 80 hours a week, and I had to take on a very high volume of mandates while undergoing treatment for my cancer, which was very tiring. That's why I decided to change job and contacted Sophie Lemyre, Talent & Communication Director at Komplice," says Marie-France.

Understanding : a key factor in starting a professional adventure while taking care of your medical needs

A mutual understanding and transparency quickly developed between the two professionals. Marie-France explains : "I chose to share my health condition and my medical treatment with Sophie during the interview. My illness was not an obstacle to my hiring. It was my skills and personality that enabled me to get the job, notwithstanding my health condition. As soon as I was hired, my manager, Sylvain Robert, asked me what my needs were to enable me to reconcile my periods of treatment with my new mandates. I was able to tell him about my medical requirements, and he even suggested that I take more time off for myself."

As a result, Marie-France felt she had real support from her new employer, thanks not only to the days off she was given, but also to the managers and team's kindness. "My employer adapts to my life's ups and downs and Komplice's management is very understanding and attentive. I've never experienced that before."

More fulfillment at work for greater overall well-being

In addition to her sincere support, Marie-France has also found at Komplice a sense of mutual support and team spirit that contribute greatly to her development within the company. "Previously, I had always worked alone in payroll, and when I was absent, it was at the cost of a heavy workload awaiting my return. Today, I can count on a team who take over when I need them and I have more time to develop better links with my clients."

She concludes : "Since I joined Komplice, the quality of my working life has greatly improved and consequently the quality of my family life too. By getting rid of stress at work, I've gained in overall well-being." And as life is full of happy surprises, Marie-France was able to announce her recovery very recently! This wonderful news has strengthened the solidarity of the entire Komplice team!


Alix Fieux - Flow

Benoit's story
"Becoming a parent while taking on new professional responsibilities is a real challenge!

When you're a professional preparing to become a parent, a thousand questions come to mind. One of them is almost inescapable : "How am I going to reconcile my career with the new rhythm of my family life?" And when parenthood comes at the same time as starting a new job, we all want to do our best, both at work and at home.

Benoît Chuniaud is a young father well placed to share his experience with us! In September 2022, he joined Komplice as Director of operations. When he joined this entrepreneurial adventure, the organization was in the throes of creation, and the challenge was great : support the launch of the new company and drive its growth! Benoît was 100% committed to his new role when he learned of the happy arrival of his first child.

Tailor-made flexibility to reconcile new responsibilities, remote working and parenthood

"When my wife's pregnancy was announced, I never had any doubts about my employers' reaction, Sylvain Robert and Jean-François Bordeleau, Komplice's co-founders, because I had joined their team knowing and sharing their values. They are based on a flexible and caring management style, which trusts people and puts them first. I took the initiative of announcing the good news in a transparent way as soon as possible, so that together we could organize how my parental leave would unfold. I like to say that everything can be planned! For me, the objective was to continue assuming my new professional responsibilities, while being able to share precious moments with my new family," says Benoît.

Benoît's parental leave was well prepared with his team, so that he could anticipate the right recruitments to spread the workload and refocus his mandate on managing internal operations. Best of all, Komplice found a tailor-made flexibility solution! A "win-win" formula that allowed Benoit to be present for his family while remaining in touch with Komplice's operations.

"Spending the summer in France with my family to introduce them to my baby was important to me and my partner. Komplice therefore offered me the opportunity to spend the two summer months remotely, with a flexible and adapted schedule during my stay : I worked three days a week and also benefited from several weeks of parental leave to enjoy these precious moments. This was a great opportunity for me : the flexibility allowed me to be present for my child and my family, and Komplice trusted me to manage my projects and working hours. In this way, even from a distance, I was able to keep in touch with my team and ensure that tasks were carried out properly, while at the same time feeling justified in taking a break or being absent if my family needed me," rejoices Benoît.

"For employers and employees, flexibility is a return on investment."

For both company and its employees, a flexible management experience is a win-win situation! On one hand, Komplice contributes to its employees' fulfillment, loyalty and personal and professional advancement. "It's a real return on investment, because as a fulfilled employee, you're grateful to benefit from these working conditions, and you want to give back to your employer by being fully and positively involved in your work," confirms Benoît. "I'm proud of Komplice's values, and I'm committed to them for the long term. What's more, the company will be able to draw on my experience to provide even better support to future working parents who will join our organization.

Finally, Benoît recommends that employees who are worried about taking too much time off during parental leave should trust their employer. He recommends not hesitating to take the initiative in discussing their needs in terms of work/parenthood balance. With mutual transparency, you can better anticipate and organize everything.

Proof that a flexible model works, the Quebec-based company has tripled in size in less than a year and now has over 30 employees, with good prospects for growth in the coming months.


Alix Fieux, Flow


Become part of our evolution

Given the sustained growth of our organization, we're frequently looking for talented and motivated professionals who want to collaborate on varied and stimulating projects, while evolving in a human and caring team.

So be spontaneous and make yourself known!

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