
Is your internal Payroll Manual up to date?

For most organizations, the answer is No! In fact, if you don't have a payroll manual, you're no exception.

The majority of our new customers process their payroll without a manual or standardized operating process. All the necessary know-how lies in the head of the person responsible for payroll...

Yet payroll is a highly regulated process, involving many details from a variety of sources, combined with a very short production cycle. You can see the risks involved, can't you?

We offer the Customized Payroll Manual design service as part of our temporary payroll operations support mandates. The need for such documentation seemed both pressing and essential to many of our customers, who find themselves at a loss when faced with the unexpected departure of their payroll employee.

Since our payroll specialists demystify the processes carried out by our customers' in-house resources when they begin a mandate, why not let them benefit from it? So, throughout their mandate, our consultants collate the various information specific to each stage of the payroll process that they themselves carry out. After our visit, our customers receive a clear, detailed manual setting out the complete sequence of steps to be followed in order to run their payroll in full compliance.

The document we design differs from the training tools available on payroll solution publishers' websites. Your customized Payroll Manual, designed by Komplice, reflects your processes, your precise configuration, your stakeholders and your entire payroll ecosystem. For example, we indicate who creates new employees, the optimal sequence for making various entries, and the mechanism by which you receive expense accounts or bonus files. When possible, we even include hyperlinks to your own directories for backing up your payroll records. More than a manual, it's a real operational procedure!

This invaluable tool allows you to reduce many of the risks surrounding the critical payroll function, while facilitating the training of new employees or the vacationing paymaster's replacement.

And because we're partner to your success, and enthusiastic supporters of our customers' autonomy, we provide you with your personalized Payroll Manual in editable format, so you can keep it up to date as your business processes evolve.

Contact us to find out more!


Nadine Tremblay, CRHA, Customer Experience & Business Development Director

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