Privacy policy

In order to protect its website users' privacy, Groupe Komplice inc. is committed to protecting the information shared by the latter during their browsing as well as when they come into direct contact with Groupe Komplice inc. Our organization is fully committed to protecting and using this information in accordance with applicable law. This privacy policy describes Groupe Komplice inc. practices with respect to the collection, use and disclosure of information obtained about users of its services.

Before using our website or providing us with any personal information, please read our privacy policy carefully. By using our website, including by completing certain forms and submitting information to us, you agree that we may collect, use and disclose your information in accordance with this privacy policy.

Different types of information we may collect

Groupe Komplice inc. may collect personal information through its website or any of the services it provides when you subscribe to receive our communications, such as our newsletter, submit a form to obtain information, send us your resume and letter of interest, provide us, always on a voluntary basis, with your information via other partner platforms (LinkedIn, National Payroll Institute, Indeed, etc.) or when you communicate with members of Groupe Komplice inc.

All information obtained, on a voluntary basis, concerning you, is intended for authorized personnel of Groupe Komplice inc. in order to respond to your requests or for our administrative and commercial services.

The information we may collect mainly includes :

  • Your personal information such as : your full name and contact details (e-mail address, postal address, phone number, etc.)
  • Information related to your professional life, such as : job search preferences, professional experience, diplomas obtained, skills, reference information, general information or any other information contained in your resume.

As part of a recruitment process for an internal position or a client's position, Groupe Komplice Inc. professionals may also, if required, ask you for information relating to your current remuneration, your salary expectations or any other information necessary for the proper processing of your application.

In addition, certain information may also be collected via your browser, your devices or through cookies' use. Some browsers allow you to refuse to have your information collected, or to refuse a particular cookie(s) from a website. However, you may experience some inconvenience when browsing our website.

How we use the information we collect
  • To respond more precisely to your information request about the various services we offer
  • To respond to your job application or to notify you of new job opportunities
  • Send you our newsletter if you wish
  • To follow up with you in order to improve our services and adapt them to your use or preferences wherever possible, or to answer your questions, comments or suggestions
  • Allow us to expand our business activities.
Information on data storage, security and protection

Groupe Komplice inc. uses organizational, technical and administrative measures to protect personal information within its organization. We are committed to respecting your privacy and disclosing your information appropriately. This information is carefully guarded and is accessible to the employees concerned within the company. We may share aggregated, statistical or anonymous information that does'nt identify you with third parties.

A candidate's so-called personal data will be kept for the time necessary to manage his/her application and any job offers Groupe Komplice inc. may make to him/her. Consequently, after a period of six years, the candidate's personal information will be destroyed or renewed by means of a new consent that will be sent to the candidate.

User rights
  • You may request access to or a copy of the information Groupe Komplice inc. holds about you
  • You may request correction of your personal information if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date
  • You may request, by e-mail, that your information or some of your personal information be destroyed
  • You may object to any processing of your personal information
  • You may withdraw your consent at any time.
Privacy policy update

In the interest of protecting personal data, we have appointed a Data Protection Officer to sit on the Groupe Komplice Inc. management committee. This person, Mr. Jean-François Bordeleau, Co-President, is responsible for ensuring that the law is properly applied and that our policies and best practices are disseminated throughout the company. Mr. Bordeleau can be reached at

We are committed to following the evolution of Canadian laws and to complying with requirements as quickly as possible.

If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy, please don't hesitate to contact us at

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